Assessment at Kaipara Flats Primary
When considering the best way to assess our children, so that we can plan next learning steps, our teachers asked the following questions:
How well does effective ‘of the moment’ assessment for learning practice underpin teaching and learning in our school?
Are we over-assessing?
How well can we locate any student’s performance across the breadth of the curriculum and along a continuum of curriculum levels?
How are student agency and assessment capability being grown across the school?
Can all our students answer the following questions?
– What are you learning?
– Why are you learning it?
– How well are you doing?
– Where do you need to go next?
How confident are we about the quality of the overall teacher judgments across our school?
We inquired into best practice. We looked at models of assessment.
We used the latest research from the Local Curriculum Tools. We reviewed our practice and shifted from compliance to purposeful assessment in line with best practice. We are weaving that best practice into our classrooms so that our learners are empowered.