Show Day - 28th October 2023
General Information
In various forms, Show Day is a fantastic school, community event drawing crowds from near and far. We are very proud hosts of this event. As Show Day has grown in size over the years, more stalls have been introduced and the fundraising activities run by our senior classes have become more adventurous and student led.
The main part of our day is spent celebrating the rural traditions of our school and community, which we all cherish. Our children are encouraged to raise a farm animal, caring for and training the animal so that they can proudly show them in the animal ring on the day, demonstrating all of their hard work.
Our children share crafts created around concepts they are learning about in class with exhibits in the classrooms. We encourage you to join us on the day.
For our families
When obtaining the animals it is important to remember that calves, lambs and goats need to be born after the 1st August. We do follow restrictions with regards to cattle movements, following MPI guidelines. Please check the information on the website. Care and responsibility for the animals should lie with the children. This is especially important as we have lamb and goat calling. There will also be obstacles in the animal ring, to walk around and to go over, so the animals really need to trust their leaders.. We also have a pet chicken category. This is an option for children who don’t have access to a paddock animal and means they can still be part of the livestock section on the day.
Children can enter both the animal and chicken categories. We have included two extra activities that you may want to start thinking about now. One is a kumara growing competition, the other is a family scarecrow competition. As well as the above, the children will be working on indoor exhibits during Term 3 and 4. Each class will be notified of any extra materials needed from home for these exhibits. We will try and keep this to a minimum.
Enjoy looking after and caring for your animal, chickens, growing your kumara and building your scarecrows. Looking forward to seeing them all on Show Day!